Benefits of Black Seed Oil For Hair and Scalp Health

Among the many traditional claims for the use of black seed oil for hair, it is said to be very good for its health. It has been used for centuries to strengthen and beautify the hair as well as prevent hair loss and help hair growth. If you are wondering if you can use black […]
Bee Propolis – An Effective Way to Treat Stomach Ulcers

We’ve spoken at length about the many benefits of our Bee Propolis in previous articles. This wonderful natural substance can help people to combat allergies and maintain good oral hygiene. But its effects stretch much further than that. Bee Propolis is also capable of helping you to lessen the effects of stomach ulcers. Here, we’re […]
Black Seed Oil For Acne – Naturally Clear Your Skin

Many people assume that Black Seed Oil aka nigella sativa or black cumin seed oil can only help you if you ingest it. However, the oil has a remarkable number of benefits for your skin and hair too. It’s able to combat inflammation and can help to regenerate weak hair follicles, thus strengthening your hair. […]
Top 10 Benefits of Royal Jelly

If you’re a regular reader of our blog, you’ll have already seen that Bee Propolis and Bee Honey have substantial health benefits. However, these aren’t the only bee products that will help you to lead a happier and healthier life. We also offer Royal Jelly. What is Royal Jelly? Royal Jelly is a gelatinous substance […]
Ease Those Aches and Pains With Black Seed Oil

There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of finishing a workout. You’ve pushed your body to its limits and you feel refreshed. The endorphins are rushing through your body and the workout’s left you feeling invigorated. You head back home and feel satisfied that you’ve accomplished something good for the day. Then, you wake up in […]
Get Rid of That Itchy Skin With Black Seed Oil

It’s one of the most annoying feels in the world. You’re lying in bed when you feel it. That dry and itchy feeling. The flakiness of your skin. You look down and you see this unsightly blotch of red skin that you just want to rake at. But you know that if you do, you’ll […]
Can Black Seed Oil Help You After Pregnancy?

There’s perhaps nothing more wonderful that you can do than to bring a new life into the world. You’ve grown your little family and the feelings of love for your new child wash over you. But as joyous an occasion as giving birth is…the whole process takes a massive toll on your body. You put […]
Soothe Those Pesky Insect Bites with Black Seed Oil

There’s nothing better than escaping the humdrum of life to enjoy a week or two on holiday. Gorgeous beaches, stunning blue seas, and the freedom that comes with knowing that you don’t have to worry about work or life for the next few days. You excitedly touch down at the airport and finally get to […]
Black Seed Oil – Can it Help with Dementia?

There’s nothing more heartbreaking than to lose somebody that you love. Unfortunately, millions of people experience this feeling on a daily basis. Those living with people who have dementia often feel those painful pangs of loss. The person they once knew is still in there somewhere. But their condition has made it almost impossible for […]
How Black Seed Oil Can Protect You from Alzheimer’s Disease

Anybody who has a relative who has Alzheimer’s disease can tell you how devastating the condition is. It robs people of their sense of self and their memories. There are few things more heartbreaking than looking a relative in the eye and seeing that they don’t even recognise you. That’s the pain that Alzheimer’s causes […]
Improve Your Eye Health and Battle Glaucoma with Black Seed Oil

Let’s be honest for a moment. It can feel like your body starts to fight against you as you get older. You’ll notice it in your bones and muscles at first. It takes just a little bit longer to pull yourself out of bed in the morning. And it takes even longer to recover from […]
Struggling to Sleep – Black Seed Oil May Be the Answer

You’re settling down after a hard day at work. Your head finally hits the pillow and you think you’re going to slip into a deep sleep. But then, half an hour goes by and nothing. You toss and turn to get yourself more comfortable. Then, you look at the clock. An hour’s gone by. And […]
The Surprising Health Benefits of Fasting

With Ramadhan just around the corner, many of you may be preparing to start fasting. It’s an important time of year, with fasting acting as a way for you to improve your self-control and to better and appreciate all that God has given you. But there’s something else about fasting that you may not realise. […]
Can Black Seed Oil Really Help Cancer Patients

There are few things more devastating in life than to receive a cancer diagnosis. Life gets put on hold. You have something inside of your own body that’s eating away at you and, at times, you may feel helpless. Even if you haven’t been diagnosed yourself, you likely know someone who has received a cancer […]
The Amazing Ways to Bee Propolis Combats Ageing

In our last article we spoke about how Bee Propolis can help regenerate bone tissue. But there is another little-known secret about Bee Propolis. It’s capable of combating the signs of ageing in all sorts of different ways. If you’re feeling like Father Time’s leaning a little too heavily on your shoulders, consider using Bee Propolis […]
Can You Use Bee Propolis to Regenerate Bone Tissue?

There’s nothing that quite matches the exhilarating feeling of exercise. Even going for a short run will pump your body full of endorphins and leave you feeling absolutely amazing. And of course, there are those who love this feeling so much that they push their bodies to the limit. Athletes constantly test the limits of […]
8 Proven Benefits of Black Seed Oil Soap

Black seed oil may have numerous benefits when it comes to your health. Studies indicate that it may be effective in fighting off various health conditions, amongst them certain types of cancer. But what most people do not realize is that black seed oil, and more specifically black seed oil soap, may be of benefit […]
How Black Seed Oil Benefits Your Eyes

“Your eyes are the window to your soul” is an expression that may be correct, as many types of health conditions could be determined simply by looking into someone’s eyes. But they also tend to reflect what you are feeling, whether happy, sad, or puzzled. Your eyes tend to show the whole gamut of human […]
10 Quick Ways To Lose Weight With Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil has, for centuries, been used by many people to assist with weight loss, digestive health, respiratory health, immune health, fighting cancer, and to aid with proper kidney and liver function. Ongoing research into the different components of black seed oil and its different health applications strongly indicate that the oil, indeed, […]
Nutritional Value of Bee Propolis

While the antibiotic effects of honey and its myriad benefits may be well-known, not so much is known about bee propolis. A side-product from the business of honey making, bee propolis has many benefits for both bees and humans alike. What is Bee Propolis? Bee propolis is not a new health craze. It has, in […]